23 August, 2006

My life amazes me at times…

My life amazes me at times… that sounds rather conceited but I just get amazed at all that happens. Even though right now nothing interesting is happening in my life, just usual work, study, uni, church etc. But I am living through other people at the moment. Nai is getting married in November and just being a part of the wedding as far as helping her with organizing and being a sounding board it’s made it special for me. Just things like that. I’ve got soo many people who have left or are leaving to live overseas (mostly in England – actually all in England). Trav’s gone, Matt & Nori, Lorrae & Jono (although I haven’t seen much for them since they got married), Alex is in China (wohoo one not in England), Paul’s (my boss) daughter is in Nebraska, Shainlee is in Oregon (I think that’s right, somewhere on that side of the country) (wohoo two more not in England), Katie (my mentor) will be leaving in October and Joel (and Brett) are away for 3months. Ok so it doesn’t seem like that many but when so many of the people I’m close to are overseas (coz they’re from there) already so to loose more is pretty full on. Trav and Alex are two of my closest friends, and Katie’s my mentor… so these are people that I am rather close to, and in my protective world where I refuse to be vulnerable with just anyone ‘loosing’ those that I am close to makes it hard to trust into the future. The good news is Shaz called me the other day and it looks like she may need to move up to Melbourne (she lives an hour or so out of Melbourne down by the beach) and we’d said that we would live together because we both want our space… So hopefully that’ll happen, at this stage I want to put it off as long as possible (the longest is xmas) just so I can save money before I do it…
Anyway, on top of everything else I have ppl popping out babies all over the place – these ppl are my age!!! And I was really sadden to hear that a friends mum died on Monday… I think the reality of death is always a bit of a shock to the system and makes you rethink your life. I pray that I’m doing it right!

18 August, 2006

My week...

This has been the craziest week. Had a late night Sunday night, Monday night was ok, had a ‘disagreement’ with one of the guys on my team for the Sweden assignment. We’ve sorted it out but I’m not sure how much work he’s actually going to do. Guess we’ll have to wait and see… the joy of group assignments. Tuesday night I got lots done for Amped and Ash. Wednesday had a quiet day at work so my boss sent me home at 1pm. Got home in time to see Oprah… that was nice… Wednesday night I did more work. Thursday I had a shocking headache all day, I don’t get headaches often and usually a coffee or 1 asprin will get rid of it. Yesterday I had 5 asprin’s over the course of the day and it still didn’t go away. I survived at work and my lunch meeting with Ash, I even started on the Sweden assignment late in the arvo when I’d finished my work. I went shopping for about an hour, just picking up the necessities and got a nice top for Nai’s wedding. Then went home and lied on the couch and watched TV. I ended up watching the movie ‘Crash’. I’d seen Oprah interview the main stars from the show and she was saying how awesome it was. AND IT WAS! I couldn’t help but wonder whether Australia was as bad as that, but I think they maybe to an extent. I just don’t see much of it. I know I make the occasional racial comment about someone’s driving and don’t think much of it, I only say it to myself. But from watching that movie I realize how much of a mind set it is, so I shouldn’t do it at all. If you haven’t seen it I highly recommend you see it.

Anyway, I’m feeling tired, a little grumpy and stiff. Bit worried I might be getting sick so I’m not going to think about it. I’m going to go now and pretend like I’m really busy at work.

14 August, 2006

Last week and this week

Ok, I’ve hit catch up mode. I’ve gotten my work for the day out of the way. So now it’s time to catch up on my blog (which still no one knows about) and my emails. Last week was a really full on week, It had a lot of highs and a lot of lows. Big Gigg on Wednesday night went better than I could have ever imagined. We had 40-50ppl there, and just a really good time. And I actually got out what I wanted to say – the most exciting thing of the night for me. Work was crazy last week, and to be honest it was ‘that time of the month’ and I hadn’t had it for 4 months which means I had 4months of hormones built up! So I was rather emotional. Had some issues with Rog and Jodi was getting me to help her on stuff (nothing major) but all of it put together was just full on. And I didn’t seem to have anytime. So this week things are going to be a little more calm. I have uni tonight and in the morning, I’ll do my homework after uni and spend time with God. Tomorrow night working on Amped, Wednesday night ‘small group’, Thursday night visiting Kristi, Thursday lunch meet with Ash (the youth pastor) Friday night possibly visit a church in the city (see how I feel), Sat night Trivia night… And that’s a non-busy week! J Couple things to explain – I’ve made a commitment (starting last night) to spend one hour every night solidly praying. It’ll be late (last night was 11-12pm) but I’m excited about it.
It comes from the Cross and the Switchblade where he sells his old TV and spends the two hours a night that he used spend watching TV praying and from that comes this amazing ministry with the gangs of New York which has spread globally. So I’m excited to see what will happen with that. I’ll keep you updated. He already started making a difference last night just with Rog… it was really exciting. I love how faithful God is when we are faithful to him. The other thing to explain is why ‘small group’ has little marks (can’t remember what they are called) around it. I’ve decided not to be a part of a small group right now, a pretty bold decision I think. But one that is right for me right now. I need to spend the time growing myself just with God and hearing what he wants to say to me, not to a group. And I think I need meat rather than conversation. I’m not doing as well as I’d like to but I’m trying with it.

Anyway, my thought for this week – to somehow try to understand more – is what’s the difference between Baptist and Pentecost when they both talk about the same experience – the Pentecost is when ppl were Baptised in the Spirit…

09 August, 2006

Low moment...

I’m having a bad day. Why is it that some times life just seems sooo hard. Why can’t it be easy! I know the answer to that. But today of all days I didn’t need crap and that’s all I seem to be getting today. And it’s when you are having one of these days that God seems soooo far away. I guess it’s moments like this that ‘Footprints’ becomes so true.

One night a man had a dream. He dreamed he was walking along the beach with the Lord. Across the sky flashed scenes from his life. For each scene, he noticed two sets of footprints in the sand: one belonging to him, and the other to the Lord. When the last scene of his life flashed before him, he looked back at the footprints in the sand. He noticed that many times along the path of his life there was only one set of footprints. He also noticed that it happened at the very lowest and saddest times in his life. This really bothered him and he questioned the Lord about it. "Lord, You said that once I decided to follow you, You'd walk with me all the way. But I have noticed that during the most troublesome times in my life, there is only one setof footprints. I don't understand why when I needed you most you would leave me." The Lord replied,"My son, My precious child, I love you and I would never leave you. During your times of trial and suffering, when you see only one set of footprints, it was then that I Carried You."

Just looking for pictures to put with this has cheered me up… That and the reminder that God is carrying me RIGHT NOW!!!

07 August, 2006


Dinner was awesome the other night. The bruschetta bread was a bit crusty. And the icecream could have had more honey comb. And the sauce a bit more wine. But other than that it was YUM. The others seemed to like it too! :)

A lesson learnt

I was having coffee at my local café the other day. And a blind lady was playing a keyboard and singing (or sometimes playing the flute instead of singing, with the keyboard doing background) a few shops up. I learnt a big lesson. I was half considering giving this to her (with coins I gave her) until the second paragraph…

People just walk past and stare. Each of them with money to spare. What is wrong with them? Can’t they see, can’t they hear the beauty that you give. I want to cry for you, for the way they mistreat you. What is wrong with this world that they can’t share their money with one who shares her heart. In the world’s view you may not be beautiful to the eye but your music is beautiful to the core. How are you and I different? If that were me what would people do?
I want to run up and hug her, thank her on your behalf, for giving that which so many others should have given. A girl that five minutes ago I criticized on the way she looked. How ironic. What a lesson to be learnt… I am no better than the rest of them…

01 August, 2006

Sweden, Uni, Dinner and everything in btwn

I’m having a great day. Last night I had uni which wasn’t THAT bad… although I really need to buy the text book. Then I went to my sisters house and did homework (pretty efficient aren’t I!) and then watched TV and went to bed just after 10.30pm. I was in the room with my niece and she woke up at 5am, which was a bit rough but Sarah (my sister) took her to her room (isn’t she sweet) so I slept thru till 7.30… I’m loving this uni in the morning thing, I only get it once a week but sleeping in till 7.30am is lovely, I probably won’t do it next week, might get up at 7 so I’m not so rushed. But normally I’m at work between 7 & 7.30 so it’s a real sleep in for me!!! Anyway, my class today was meant to go for 3hrs but finished after an hour and a half. We had to make up groups for our assignment and I’d been thinking that it’d be cool to do the Sweden for the assignment (we had to choose a country that we are going to focus on their HR procedures, and any cultural differences that effect the work place) and the group I ended up in one of the guys just blurted out that he wanted to do Sweden. I was so impressed… I wonder if he’s a Christian (not for any dodgy reasons) but I wonder if God had told him or if He was just pre-warning me. Either way I’m happy!!!

Tonight is the night I get to cook my food. Pretty much what I told you about previously, bruschetta for entrée, kinda chicken parmigana on Kau Kau (it’s a natural reaction to call it that) with green and butter beans on the side. Altho I’m thinking of putting a layer of grilled capsicum between the chicken and Kau Kau. And for dessert is honeycomb ice cream, strawberry coulie and I’m going to sprinkle chocolate and honeycomb pieces on the top… I’m looking forward to that.

Ok, better get back to work, came in late coz of uni and have to leave early coz of dinner…