05 April, 2008

Haha, i suck!

Ok i'm not going to go on about how much i suck for never writing or how i always think of brilliant things to say but never remember to say them! But i am going to complain about this bloody blog (not coz it hasn't been updated in ages) but because it takes me 5minutes to login. It uses my old email address and I can NEVER remember my password for it so i have to the 10 different possible combinations - capital M, little m, one 1, two 1's, no 1's... Anyone who knows me will be now be able to figure out what my password is but oh well... whatcha gonna do? write things on my blog and try to sound like me??? Who cares?? haha
Oh, next complaint is that because I use my old google account each time i log in here it undoes my automatic log in to googles home page next time i use explorer (or firefox). So then i have to remember that password again. I gotta fix that... i'm sure if i do it'll make me write more often... or not... :)