01 October, 2008

Work changes are exciting???

So i got in trouble the other day for not updating my blog... i'm sorry. I don't have an excuse, for some reason i guess i just never feel there's anything important to say.

Anyway, my big exciting thing that happened yesterday that probably won't be that exciting to anyone else is:

haha, you have to read the whole story. So Friday's in my office are a bitch. The last few weeks i've ended up in tears from being too stressed and making stupid mistakes. I've mentioned it to my boss and she suggested I work from 10am til 6.30. Coz i generally don't leave till 7 on Friday's anyway, the problem is starting later on a Friday will just mean i work later, so starting at 10 i'd end up leaving at 9pm or something. So i had a performance review, it was actually a really good one. We have them monthly so they arent as official as the ones i'm used. I also don't get a pay rise out of them. :) It's all about budgets and targets and stuff.

Anyway, so to solve my Friday problem I'm now going to be working 9-1 on Saturdays and start at 1 on Mondays. It seems stupid that i think having to go to work 6 days a week is exciting, but i get a bit of a sleep in on Saturdays still, i don't have as bad Mondayitis and given i work most weekends anyway, it will mean time in the office when its quiet - rather than on Mondays when the phone is ringing.

So that's my exciting news, i'll have to report back after i've done it a few times to let you know if it actually works.


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