Last week and this week
Ok, I’ve hit catch up mode. I’ve gotten my work for the day out of the way. So now it’s time to catch up on my blog (which still no one knows about) and my emails. Last week was a really full on week, It had a lot of highs and a lot of lows. Big Gigg on Wednesday night went better than I could have ever imagined. We had 40-50ppl there, and just a really good time. And I actually got out what I wanted to say – the most exciting thing of the night for me. Work was crazy last week, and to be honest it was ‘that time of the month’ and I hadn’t had it for 4 months which means I had 4months of hormones built up! So I was rather emotional. Had some issues with Rog and Jodi was getting me to help her on stuff (nothing major) but all of it put together was just full on. And I didn’t seem to have anytime. So this week things are going to be a little more calm. I have uni tonight and in the morning, I’ll do my homework after uni and spend time with God. Tomorrow night working on Amped, Wednesday night ‘small group’, Thursday night visiting Kristi, Thursday lunch meet with Ash (the youth pastor) Friday night possibly visit a church in the city (see how I feel), Sat night Trivia night… And that’s a non-busy week! J Couple things to explain – I’ve made a commitment (starting last night) to spend one hour every night solidly praying. It’ll be late (last night was 11-12pm) but I’m excited about it. 
It comes from the Cross and the Switchblade where he sells his old TV and spends the two hours a night that he used spend watching TV praying and from that comes this amazing ministry with the gangs of New York which has spread globally. So I’m excited to see what will happen with that. I’ll keep you updated. He already started making a difference last night just with Rog… it was really exciting. I love how faithful God is when we are faithful to him. The other thing to explain is why ‘small group’ has little marks (can’t remember what they are called) around it. I’ve decided not to be a part of a small group right now, a pretty bold decision I think. But one that is right for me right now. I need to spend the time growing myself just with God and hearing what he wants to say to me, not to a group. And I think I need meat rather than conversation. I’m not doing as well as I’d like to but I’m trying with it.
Anyway, my thought for this week – to somehow try to understand more – is what’s the difference between Baptist and Pentecost when they both talk about the same experience – the Pentecost is when ppl were Baptised in the Spirit…

It comes from the Cross and the Switchblade where he sells his old TV and spends the two hours a night that he used spend watching TV praying and from that comes this amazing ministry with the gangs of New York which has spread globally. So I’m excited to see what will happen with that. I’ll keep you updated. He already started making a difference last night just with Rog… it was really exciting. I love how faithful God is when we are faithful to him. The other thing to explain is why ‘small group’ has little marks (can’t remember what they are called) around it. I’ve decided not to be a part of a small group right now, a pretty bold decision I think. But one that is right for me right now. I need to spend the time growing myself just with God and hearing what he wants to say to me, not to a group. And I think I need meat rather than conversation. I’m not doing as well as I’d like to but I’m trying with it.
Anyway, my thought for this week – to somehow try to understand more – is what’s the difference between Baptist and Pentecost when they both talk about the same experience – the Pentecost is when ppl were Baptised in the Spirit…
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