23 August, 2006

My life amazes me at times…

My life amazes me at times… that sounds rather conceited but I just get amazed at all that happens. Even though right now nothing interesting is happening in my life, just usual work, study, uni, church etc. But I am living through other people at the moment. Nai is getting married in November and just being a part of the wedding as far as helping her with organizing and being a sounding board it’s made it special for me. Just things like that. I’ve got soo many people who have left or are leaving to live overseas (mostly in England – actually all in England). Trav’s gone, Matt & Nori, Lorrae & Jono (although I haven’t seen much for them since they got married), Alex is in China (wohoo one not in England), Paul’s (my boss) daughter is in Nebraska, Shainlee is in Oregon (I think that’s right, somewhere on that side of the country) (wohoo two more not in England), Katie (my mentor) will be leaving in October and Joel (and Brett) are away for 3months. Ok so it doesn’t seem like that many but when so many of the people I’m close to are overseas (coz they’re from there) already so to loose more is pretty full on. Trav and Alex are two of my closest friends, and Katie’s my mentor… so these are people that I am rather close to, and in my protective world where I refuse to be vulnerable with just anyone ‘loosing’ those that I am close to makes it hard to trust into the future. The good news is Shaz called me the other day and it looks like she may need to move up to Melbourne (she lives an hour or so out of Melbourne down by the beach) and we’d said that we would live together because we both want our space… So hopefully that’ll happen, at this stage I want to put it off as long as possible (the longest is xmas) just so I can save money before I do it…
Anyway, on top of everything else I have ppl popping out babies all over the place – these ppl are my age!!! And I was really sadden to hear that a friends mum died on Monday… I think the reality of death is always a bit of a shock to the system and makes you rethink your life. I pray that I’m doing it right!


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