Blood trail:

Blood on the back of my leg:
Our makeshift bandage:
Welcome to my blog. I'm 27, live in Melbourne (Australia), have lived in PNG (2yrs). Work full time (Travel Agent), Finished my degree a year ago. I don't have much to say, but thought i'd give blogging a try... see how we go!
Blood on the back of my leg:
Our makeshift bandage:
I've been having problems with my blog for the last week or so. Here's my blog from 11/10/06:
Ok, so I’ve been really slack lately. I can’t believe it’s been nearly a month since I wrote. How sad. Ok, update on my life…
* Have two official weeks of uni left for the semester, am only going to one.
* Have two assignments due next week which I’m almost finished (Yay).
* On Sept 19th I cut my toe (sounds like nothing but it’s been a reasonably big deal) will do a separate blog solely for it and include photos.
* This Sat am organizing a trivia night for church – so far 130+ ppl coming
* Sunday night have to feed 120 ppl (with some help) for a communion meal for our pm church service
* I spoke to Emily in Finland last week, I tried to call Mikael coz I haven’t spoken to him for a while – and I’d sent Emily an email last week, but he didn’t answer so I called Emily…
* Things are going ahead with Shaz moving in which I’m really excited about
* I got 7 storage boxes back (they’ve been in mum’s storage shed) so I feel like it’s Christmas, finding all this stuff I’d forgotten I had.
* It’s 30days till my birthday
* Katie, yet another friend, leaves for England tomorrow, she used to be my mentor. So I’m now lacking a mentor – which is a scary thought for me coz for the last 2 or so years I’ve had a mentor…
* I found out my ‘love language’ is Quality time, which I find rather ironic considering my life is so busy that I never have time to spend with everyone
* I’m really into this love language thing, even though my love tank is not full I still want to fill other ppls, I just want to know what everyone’s is… And it’s not that easy to figure out…
* Sian is walking heaps now, she’s still a little unsteady. She has a really cheeky smile. I’ll update the fairy photos of her and Maia onto my albums in a minute
* Thomas, Elijah and Maia are all doing great. Maia had attitude last night but I think she was getting tired. She’s like her mum! J Thomas and Elijah, are both gorgeous, E is getting more used to me, Tommy still loves me – as always. Is that enough of an update? I hope so. I’m sure I have more to say (don’t I always) but this’ll do for now. I’ll give the info on the accident either later today or in the next