What's in a name?
Have to make a small correction from yesterday, Emily Brown is now Emily Salonen (nee Brown). It's a natural reaction thing but i didn't want to offend Emily or Marko (her husband). Considering in highschool my nickname (by 99% of the class/school/community) was Scoble or a derivative (coz there was two Emily's) so i called her Brown (she was the only person i think i called by there last name, oh except Karch coz there were two Rachels) anyway, am i still allowed to call her brown now that she's married? She's still a Brown by blood... just not by marriage... hmmm. I don't want to loose my 'Scobleness' when i get married... that'd be like loosing my dad and my connection to him... but i'm sure not everyone feels like that! It's kinda interesting... How do you answer that? Who can answer that? Every person would be different...

It's been a year minus one week, and I still answer the phone sometimes "Hello, this is Emily Brown, I mean Salonen"...
You can call me what ever you like! :)
Ok b*tch!! Just kidding! You know i love you right? :) Did you like my quote... hope it made you smile!!! Do you remember us saying that? I haven't seen that movie in ages, we should have watched it while i was over there.. oh well, when you're in Aus i'll watch it! Happy 1 yr anniversary for next week!
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