09 August, 2007

Curve Balls

Ha. I've always wondered what being thrown a curve ball was about. Still don't quite know but i reckon it's what's been thrown at me for the last 8months. The latest is Shaz is moving out, on Saturday (today's Friday in case you can't tell). So i'm looking for somewhere to live.

Work is going well, i'm really enjoying it, and getting more comfortable dealing with customers. Just have to figure out how i speak to certain people appropriately, but i'll sort that out.

Not sure what else to say. Life goes on. I'm enjoying it in general, back at uni, dating, spending time with friends. Finally catching up with people.

Anyway, i'm on face book and myspace now which is keeping me busy when i am online. how pathetic. Anyway, check them out if you can be bothered!

Talk to you soon.


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